- I live and breathe to dance, and that is what i want to do the rest of my life.
- I am going to be attending university in the fall to become an english teacher
- I am 17 years of age, started young for kindergarten
- I am very athletic, i take great pride in my body and want to take care of it
- My guilty pleasure is reading, one of my favourite things to do is take a nosedive into a great book
- Throughout my childhood i had wanted to be a vet, until my father told me i had to put my hand up a cows butt, a dream has never vanished so quickly
- Writing is my passion, i love to see written word and am so sad to see good work diminishing
- I am very passionate about everything i do, nothing is worth doing unless you do it right
- I am a daddy's girl, my father raised me and i couldn't love him more
- I am happily in a relationship that has been over a year, i love my mister so.
- I have a dog named ernie, she is my light, i love her to bits and pieces
- I love everything hair and fashion related, i feel as if i have a knack for it.
- I always say that my eyes are hazel, but in reality most of the time they are only brown.. but with a little green
- I call my man mister, he is my mister, my mister is mine
- I love hearing people's problems, i have to admit i think i have a good voice of reason
- My favourite food is cereal, seriously i could eat it every meal of the day
- I am a Ballroom and Latin dancer, and i am very proud of what i do
- I get nervous when doing new things, i'm always afraid i am going to be judged badly and i try to avoid any negative views in any way possible
- I am proud of who i am, throughout my life i have developed a backbone and i am not afraid to stand up for what i believe in
- I love wearing red lipstick, but every time i put it on i feel silly.
Monday, 29 July 2013
20 Things about Miss
I figured since this is fairly new i would introduce myself further. It's always interesting to know who is behind the writing you are reading, so here we go.
College Computers - MacBook Air
In preparation for my coming year of university i though it would only be suitable to prepare myself in the best way possible. Almost every single advice blog post/ pin on pintrest (My Pintrest) explains that it is necessary for you to own a laptop when attending university. This i must say frustrates me, i am more than aware that the times are changing but i really wished my whole life, including work and school, wasn't completely based on the internet. That way if the internet crashes, oh my, then what would you do ? I don't agree with the reliance but that's a whole topic in itself.
So in acceptance of the fact that i needed a computer i went out to my local apple store and picked up this baby
So in acceptance of the fact that i needed a computer i went out to my local apple store and picked up this baby
I purchased the latest version of the macbook air 13' and let me tell you do i ever love it. Though i haven't used it for any school related activities other than applying for my courses for all of next year ( how painful is that) i feel that it will be very functional when need be for some specific reasons.
- The battery life is spectacular, i don't have to worry about plugging my computer in every time i sit down, it will last nicely throughout the whole day.
- The app store provides many apps that anything other than a macintosh wouldn't provide, you have an endless word of opportunity
- The way it works seamlessly with all of my other apple products, basically i have all the same content that i can access on each device it is spectacular
- The power, i can have as many things running as i want and i won't meet any issues.
All in all this is an amazing computer, i love it to the moon and back and i am super excited to start using it come university. Honestly i would say it was worth the money, the hefty price tag was uncomfortable at first but once i got to exploring this device i knew i made the right choice
So if you are looking for a laptop for back to school i would recommend this one, one that will last a while and get the job done !
Stay Majestic *
Sunday, 28 July 2013
Teenage Relationships - My Tips
I've been blessed in my life to have found love in my teenage years. My "Mister Majestic" honestly is the light of my world, i take care of him and he takes care of me. Though, it didn't just happen that easily, it was a huge learning curve for myself and there were many things i wish someone would have told me and saved me from learning the hard way.
I must disclaim that i am not claiming to be an expert of the sorts, though i have found these things to be successful, they might not work for everyone. But i believe they do. So lets get to it !
Tip #1
This way , when you look at your life with your Mister, your family, and your friends you will be fulfilled because without those things you can't fully be happy. Well, maybe you can, but through my experience losing friends because i've been to invested in a boy has never worked out well.
I must disclaim that i am not claiming to be an expert of the sorts, though i have found these things to be successful, they might not work for everyone. But i believe they do. So lets get to it !
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"Mister and Miss Majestic" |
That old rule of the guy always asking the girl out is utter shenanigans. Seriously, this is the 21st century. The time of women empowerment, we are encouraged to chase what we want so why doesn't that apply to relationships ? Honestly my girls, go for it. You see him, he catches your eye so make the first move, go introduce yourself, the worst that could happen is him not being into you. If he is not? Well that surely sucks for him, it's his loss and you didn't waste your time on something that was never going to happen.
" Hey, my name is *insert name here* i've seen you around and i just thought i'd say hello !"
That is all it takes, it worked for me ! Honestly , my Mister has told me many times that he likes a girl who knows what she wants, and by the way i pursued him and yes.. asked him out on the first date, he saw that i knew what i wanted and i wasn't going to wait around for someone to give it to me. I went and got it myself. Now don't take this advise to far here, we don't want to approach stalker mode. Read his body language try it out, and if after the first date he doesn't ask for a second. You tried, which is the best you could do.
Tip #2
Now we approach the first date, or any date for that matter. As usual you are leaning towards a movie, or dinner, the usual first date activities. How does that equal getting to know each other ? I'll tell you, it doesn't. Suggest going and doing something different, something that will get your minds engaged and force the two of you to work together, come to an agreement and get your hearts racing. It's scientifically proven that guys are attracted to girls more when they make them sweat, for obvious reasons ;) But here is a link explaining this craziness further.
On my first date with the wonderful Mister, yes we did go to a movie. We went and saw " The Avengers" actually. Though taking him to something men would usually like would be a good thing (see tip #3). Before we got to the movie was the important part though. We met at a bus station and walked all the way to the movie theatre! Hitting every garage sale and park on the way there. This way we talked non stop, we played together, laughed together, learned together. When we got to the movie all we wanted to do was to snuggle in each others arms ( which didn't happen because he wanted to respect my personal space aweeeh ) So get his heart pumping, his brain working. Challenge him.
Tip #3
I think this is the most important part of it all. Listen closely here ladies. He is a man, and men do manly things. Men play video games, they have " Bro Time " , and sometimes they need space. So give it to him. You don't see him bugging you constantly about painting your nails ... or reading my blog so why should you bother him with the things he likes doing ? If you ever want to have a successful relationship you have to allow them, and support them in being men. Understand that if he doesn't text you back in an hour it isn't because he doesn't want to talk to you ( In most cases) it's because he is playing video games and trust me that requires two hands i have seen it. So i'm going to emphasize this one more time. Let. Him. Be. A. Man.
Don't get me wrong, i get super annoyed by the video games. I'm no miracle worker here, it bothers me and those thoughts do run through my head
" Is he purposely not responding ?"
"Video games are more important than i am ! "
But this is not the fact, keep those thoughts to yourself. Let him be a man, because isn't that what you are attracted to anyways ? Men ?
Tip #4
When you get to the point in your flirtation-ship where the thoughts of being serious are being thunk of, make sure you tell him what you expect out of a relationship and out of him so you don't suprise him when suddenly he realizes that you expect him to pay for each date ect. Don't do this bluntly, we don't want to scare him off do we ? Do it in a way that you can still get the point across.
" Hey Steve ! Haven't heard from you all day and i'm missing your chatter, i like to talk to the people i care about and know how their day is going! Hope you are having a good day and i look forward to hearing all about it"
"Joe ! thank you so much for taking me out :) I love it when i get to be out and doing things with you, it's something i would like to do often, i love taking adventures it keeps the life from getting dull !"
and finally
" Brandon you honestly are such a sweetie. I love spending just chill time with you, and because of that i would like to meet your friends and hang out with them too ! Because i know how important my friends are to me, and i love spending time with them"
These don't have to be exactly the way you put it , but make what you want an obvious thing. Out of those three comments you have told him that you want to hear from him throughout the day, you love going on dates and want to do it often, and you value getting to know the people that he finds very important.... leading me to my next tip
Tip #5
Value the time that you both need for your friendship. I understand in the beginning of a relationship that you want to spend every living second with him. Though you also need to understand that both you and him have other relationships that they need to pursue. So let him have his bro time, have your girl time, and have your Mister time. Honestly, that is the key to a successful relationship. You have your life, he has his life, then you have your life together. This separation is important to maintain that spark. Because who would you be without your friends ? You need to maintain them because if anything ever happens to you and your mister, you have your lovely ladies ( or gents ) to lean back on.
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Miss Majestic on the far right |
This way , when you look at your life with your Mister, your family, and your friends you will be fulfilled because without those things you can't fully be happy. Well, maybe you can, but through my experience losing friends because i've been to invested in a boy has never worked out well.
Tip #6
This is also an important one, and one i must say that gets very overlooked. As a young lady i fell for a guy who i thought was amazing. But he pushed me around, he cheated on me, he tore me down, he called me names. And i did not stand up for myself and i scraped rock bottom because of it.
You are a woman, you are strong. Don't let things happen and you not say anything about it because you deserve to be treated like a princess. Honestly, if he seems like everything and a bag of chips, yet all the chips are broken it's not worth it. He talks to you in a way you don't like, tell him you don't want to be spoken to that way. He gets angry at you for something you did, good for him, because then he is standing his ground too. Don't surrender to someone just because you are afraid to lose them, if they are worth having they will respect you, and be happy that you demand respect from them.
All in all these are my tips, though they aren't everything i have learnt they are some important ones. I hope i have helped you out and you can put these to use. If you ever have any questions or comments about the points i have made, or want me to expand on this leave a comment below, you won't be ignored and i would be happy to help :)
Stay Majestic*
Friday, 26 July 2013
Miss Majestic A.K.A. Miss Makayla
Well hello there blogging community ! I must say I am super duper excited to be meeting all of you, virtually at least. I thought that it would only be suitable to get this started with some introductions about myself. So here we go.
My name is Makayla, and throughout my entire life no matter how long someone would know me they would ALWAYS end up calling me "Miss Makayla" hence the name of the blog. "Miss Majestic" because why not? We all have the ability to be majestic so why not flaunt that! I have always had a passion for writing; throughout my whole childhood i would constantly write little stories in little notebooks. I remember my friends always were mad at me because all i wanted to do during recess is sit on the bleachers by the baseball field and write in my little notebooks (lame kid i know). That is basically where it all started. My love for the written word. I have been trying to find a way that i could write, and for people to read it because honestly i would love to help people. So say hello to "Miss Majestic"
Overall the purpose of this blog is based on you. Yes, you heard me, it's all about you. I want to help you go through things in your life through me telling you about my experiences, i want to give you guys advice whether it be relating to the every so mysterious boys, fashion, school, organization. Don't get me wrong here ladies, i'm no expert in anything ( not even close ) but if i have some help to give, nothing will stop me from giving it.
Boy did i use a ton of comma's in that last paragraph.. yuk
So hello once again ! Don't hesitate to send me a comment, or an email ! I want to hear from you, i want my writing to inspire you :)
Stay Majestic Ladies *
My name is Makayla, and throughout my entire life no matter how long someone would know me they would ALWAYS end up calling me "Miss Makayla" hence the name of the blog. "Miss Majestic" because why not? We all have the ability to be majestic so why not flaunt that! I have always had a passion for writing; throughout my whole childhood i would constantly write little stories in little notebooks. I remember my friends always were mad at me because all i wanted to do during recess is sit on the bleachers by the baseball field and write in my little notebooks (lame kid i know). That is basically where it all started. My love for the written word. I have been trying to find a way that i could write, and for people to read it because honestly i would love to help people. So say hello to "Miss Majestic"
Overall the purpose of this blog is based on you. Yes, you heard me, it's all about you. I want to help you go through things in your life through me telling you about my experiences, i want to give you guys advice whether it be relating to the every so mysterious boys, fashion, school, organization. Don't get me wrong here ladies, i'm no expert in anything ( not even close ) but if i have some help to give, nothing will stop me from giving it.
Boy did i use a ton of comma's in that last paragraph.. yuk
So hello once again ! Don't hesitate to send me a comment, or an email ! I want to hear from you, i want my writing to inspire you :)
Stay Majestic Ladies *
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