Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Back to School - Outfit Ideas

So for the third entry on my back to school series i'm going to go over some of my favourite outfits this season. I really like to experiment with clothes, and i have been told i have a weird style, oh well :P I am very into expressing who you are through clothing. I dress for comfort in all honestly, but when i can find clothing that is both fashionable and comfortable it makes me so happy ! I was so happy seeing all these outfits put together and i think they will be a go to for me for the fall.

My first outfit is super laid back. I took a pair of slouchy chiffon pants from forever 21 and pulled them up so they were high waisted ! Not sure if they were originally high waisted but usually i can make it work since i am super short. Recently i have been super into the slouchy pants, i feel like if you pair them with the right top and shoes you can still make them look put together.

My shirt is a big slouchy sweater, also from forever 21, i liked the simple stripes on the sleeves, it made a boring old sweater a little more interesting. To made it cropped, and to make it seem like i wasn't wearing pyjama's i tied one of the sides in a knot and voila ! I love the little sliver of stomach showing, it's one of my favourite parts of my body and i like to showcase it 

Outfit isn't as nice from this angle, but i found this photo amusing! My bestie helped me take these photos, so their are many funny ones ( Which i will be including )

The second outfit i think is one of my favourites. I like the simplicity of it, it's laid back and casual yet it has a put together feel. On the bottom i am wearing the sexy boyfriend jean from the GAP, i have never shopped at the gap before but when i saw these jeans i fell in love. They are the boyfriend style, but doesn't make you look like a cardboard box. On the top i am wearing a basic grey loose fitting shirt. I tucked it into my jeans because in all honestly i wanted to feature my jeans in this outfit.

To liven up the outfit a little i added some super cool shoes. Let me let you into my life a little bit here, i am IN LOVE with sneaker heels. I want to start a collection, i want red ones and green ones and camo ones, oh the camo ones. Honestly they are my favourite thing right now and i think i am going to be going and buying some more. Because i am bad, and i love them. Besides that, these specific ones i purchased at Ardennes's for $19.84. They are on sale so go get them now !

The third outfit i think is the craziest out of the bunch. I've never owned a pair of printed leggings but when i saw these i immediately fell in love. They are shark leggings, yes leggings with the pattern of sharks printed on them. This outfit i enjoy a lot because you have a pop piece, whether it is a pair of galaxy leggings or a super crazy shirt. Just pair your pop pieces with basics and you are set to go ! I love looks like this, and i love seeing people show their personality through their pop pieces.

The leggings were purchased at forever 21, the shirt at old navy, and the scarf at Aldo. In case you were wondering

I'll let you into a little secret here. I am a crazy fish lady. I love fish, i have two tanks in my room, i even have a job working with fish ! They are the greatest things, hence me expressing my personality through fish leggings. If you ever find a pair of leggings with the print of an aquarium on them please send me the link and i would love you forever.

And another silly photo

My next outfit is one of the most fancy ones out of the bunch yet still casual. I like transitioning summer pieces into fall hence the use of the maxi skirt here. This skirt in particular was bought at Stitches ! There are always hidden gems in that store. I paired it with a crop top from forever 21, this is a special one though. It is long sleeve, with peek-a-boo shoulders and it's a turtle neck, WHAT ! I loved this piece the minute i saw it yet wasn't sure if i was going to be able to pull it off. So i said what the heck and bought it anyways

I love this outfit for school because though it looks pretty fancy it is still supper comfortable. I love the freedom that maxi skirts provide, because some days i really just don't want to wear pants, and those days are maxi skirt days.

Just playing around on the tractor :P

This second last outfit i find is very, gangster. Again i am showing that little sliver of tummy, and sporting the flowy pants ( though these ones are navy vs the other ones that were blue)

Both of these pieces were purchased from forever 21. I love the small writing on the sweater crop top, and if you layer a pair of leggings underneath the pants this outfit would still be suitable for winter. Oh how i love multi season clothes.

Lastly i have this little put together. I have on a pair of Haram pants from American Apparel. Which is actually one of my favourite pairs of pants, they get so many compliments because a lot of people don't have the guts to wear pants like this where as i just don't care ! I paired it with a crop top from Brandy Melvile ! And i think it came together nicely. Simple, yet nice.

That brings us to the end of my back to school fashion ! Tell me in the comments which outfit is your favourite :)

Stay Majestic *

Monday, 26 August 2013

Back to School - Backpack Essentials

      Once again in the spirit of this up and coming September i am going to add another entry to my Back to School Series ! A really important thing in the school year is to have a properly stocked backpack, not to little so when your searching for something you don't have it and not to much so you are sore every day coming home from school because your bag is so heavy. You need just the right amount. In my bag i find that the only good way for myself to stay organized is to have bags for everything. Yes, i mean have things in bags, inside of your bag. That way when you are looking for something, say some deodorant, you know that is in your green bag ! So you don't have to search through all the clutter at the bottom of your backpack which is always a huge problem for me. My middle name should be clutter it's that bad. These organization tips are coming from a previous super unorganized gal. It was bad, but then i discovered ways to make things work !

Starting off with the little things. 

One of the most important things in my backpack is my pencil case ! I have an assortment of pens of different colours, my favourite mechanical pencils, post it notes, stapler, erasers, and some paper clips ! Honestly throughout your years at school you'll have figured out what you need in your pencil case. I've heard many people don't use cases and have pencils just hanging out in a pouch in their backpack but i find mine get lost. Ill start off the year with a good three pencils, and by the end of the year i'm using a pencil i happened to find off of the floor that morning. It's bad

Since i am doing the School Backpack essentials i knew i had to include some school related things. One thing i have on me everywhere i go is my little blue notepad. I have notes in there relating to my workout, to my blog, and just random ideas i have throughout the day. You would be surprised how fast a little notebook would fill up if you had one but they come in so handy. The other item in this picture is a folder. I always have an empty folder in my backpack for those just incase moments. Say your teacher gives you a super important paper but you forgot your binder and you have to keep it safe, hello handy dandy folder ! They are also awesome when you are handing in assignments. Keeps things super safe.

Other than these the basic school books i keep in my bag are the ordinary. Though a planner is also something i want to stress. But that will be explained further in my Organization post ! Which will be up super soon i promise. 

Next i have my wallets. I am very picky towards how i sort my cards and money. I hate carrying around a huge bulky wallet everywhere i go so i spread it out between two. The black sparkly wallet holds my essentials, that is the one i take everywhere i go. The cheetah print wallet holds all my clothing cards. The silly memberships they make you sign up for to get a discount. I usually only take it shopping with me but i like to keep it in my school bag just incase. I usually never go home directly after school. These are part of my backpack essentials because you never know when you will need your ID, or your debit card. You left your lunch on the bus, you are parched and the fountains aren't working. It's more so for security purpose than anything. The pug case is an eyeglass case ! Yet i use it for my keys. I hate the sound of keys rattling around in my bag, and worst of all i hate it when they are all the way at the bottom. So this way when i put them in this sunglass holder they are always in the same place and easily accessible. Keeping your keys in your backpack is also a good thing, because if you are just carrying them around there is a greater chance they will get lost.

Next is my toiletries. I like to keep this section small, and only using mini versions of products. One of the most useful things in this little kit is the dry shampoo, I am very picky about my hair, and i always find that my level of happiness with how i look is always depending on my hair. So if ever in the day i feel like my hair is feeling greasy i spritz some of this on and i feel a ton better. I found a three set of Mini's of this dry shampoo at Winners for ten bucks. In case any of you were wondering. Another important part of this is also deodorant. For those days when you get to school and realize you have forgotten to put some on, or if you feel unbelievable hot and want to ensure that extra level of protections. The hand sanitizer is self explanatory. Schools are filled with bugs, it's gross. Then chapstick ! For this Canadian weather is so dry and cold it's a necessary product to have on you.

Lastly we have my random section. Headphones come in super handy in school, sometimes all i wanna do is drown the world out and it would suck if i didn't have a pair of headphones on me so i make sure there is always an extra pair in my bag. Then the assortment of chargers for the devices you bring. For me that is my phone and computer charger, Being in university now i have been told multiple times that i will need to have my computer on me at all times. So i make sure i always have the charger. Lastly is a form of snack. For myself as a fitness freak i carry around the protein shake shown in the picture. Any protein filled product will work perfectly. They will fill you up and give you that extra boost you need to finish the day of right, and grow some muscle if you are post workout.

Overall that's all the essential products you would need for your bag at school. It's not a lot, but it gets the job done :) Hopefully you enjoyed my post, if you have an essential item in your bag that you can't live without leave me a comment down below telling me what that is ! Who knows you probably have a great idea 

Stay Majestic*

Sunday, 25 August 2013

Back to School - Simple and Light Makeup Look

Considering that school is only a week away for those of us here in Canada i have decided to do a spree of back to school posts. Honestly i'm so super excited about this because i absolutely love school, i know it's crazy but i find it such an awesome thing to do !

In the spirit of everything school i think a super important thing to do is to not over do it on the makeup,  i have made this mistake way to many times feeling super cute and dolled up when i walk out of the house but the second i got to school i felt super odd looking and gross.

Who knows maybe it's just me

Throughout my years of high school i've discovered a look that i find will go without fail. It doesn't take long to complete, and doesn't have necessary products. Because i know how hard it is to buy makeup with all of the other expenses and lack of money in the young adult life. So i'll quit with the rambling and get to it.

Starting super fresh and right out of the shower ! In my usual routine when getting ready makeup comes first ( if i decide to wear it !) i usually keep my hair up in a wrap to keep everything out of my face, and to make sure it doesn't dry in crazy shapes before i am able to blow dry it.

The first step is moisturizing ! Any oil free moisturizer will do honestly, i can't even tell you the brand of the one i use since my mother gave it to me but if it works then awesome ! It is really hard to have makeup look nice on dry skin, that's when you start getting to the cake face comments. Even if you are not wearing that much it will make you look like you are if your face is super dry. Also a mistake i have made in the past ( oh young Makayla how much you had to learn ).

After i moisturize i apply my foundation! I am lucky because the foundation i am using this summer has primer built into it. If your foundation doesn't just apply a coat of primer before hand. It may seem useless at first but once you experience the lasting power difference it will become part of your everyday routine.

When i apply my foundation i apply it in little dots around the parts of my face that need to be covered !  A mistake that a lot of people make is putting foundation all over the face, really only put it in areas that you need it . Though if you need it all over the face ( like i have in previous occasions ) then do so. No one is judging you here. I spread the foundation evenly over my face using a Kabuki brush. If you don't have one of these your fingers will do the trick please just make sure they are clean ! 

After i feel like the foundation is on their properly, in this photo it looks super light because for one, the flash drowns me out, and for second i have gotten tanner than expected over the summer ( Wo Hoo ! ) i apply bronzer to give me a little more life. I usually suck my cheeks in like a fish and put it in the hollow spots to frame my cheekbones, this is called contouring, and spread it super sparsely around the face. We don't want to be looking like pumpkins ladies the trick is light but effective. After i have applied the bronzer i lightly brush some blush onto the temples of my cheek for a light glow. I am personally not a blush person, i love it but i don't wear a lot of it and when girls do wear it in good amounts i find it to be super noticeable and not super attractive. I always have believed that natural is key. Other than the times i rock red lipstick, which is all the time. I just contradicted myself hey ? I'm sure you understand. I don't want to look fake, but i still want to play around with it..

Then it's on to the eyes

Again something i love to keep basic. I apply a light amount of brown liner on the top and bottom waterlines to frame my eyeballs and then coat the lashes with some mascara ! I don't use waterproof since i like to wash it off in the shower, I'm lazy i know :P 

So that is it for my mini tutorial ! The finished look is displayed here...

A very basic simple makeup look ! Share some of your favourite looks with me, and we can experiment together

Stay Majestic *

Monday, 12 August 2013

Oh the Excitement - Liebster Award

An amazing thing happened to me today ! I got nominated for the Liebster Award... yay ! Here are basically the guidelines of this award.

1. You must link back to the person that nominated you.
2. You must answer the 11 Liebster questions given to you by the nominee before you.
3. You must pick 11 bloggers to be nominated for the award with under 200 followers.
4. You must come up with 11 questions for you nominees to answer.
5. You must go to their blogs and notify your nominees.

I'm going to send a giant thank you out to Rebecca for nominating me for this award, it's nice to know that people actually like my blog ! Which is a relief because you never know ;)Here Blog is Here.

Now i shall answer the questions she has for me.

1. Three favourite online shops?
I'm not much of an online shopper i am afraid, i like to make sure i actually like something in person. So i'm not huge on online shopping. One time i ordered a few things from Tobi.com .. none of which i wear any longer.
2. What was your first blog post about?
It was simply and introduction to my Blog ! So if people didn't like what i was going to be writing about they would know that they were not in the place they wanted to be
3. Something that you learned recently?
Periods suck, and you really need to stay on track with your pills. Because if you don't... it's bad
4. What is your favourite season of  the year?
Fall, you get to wear all of the warm clothes without having to wear winter boots and three parka's ( Go Canada ! )
5. Your biggest pet peeve?
When people repeat questions after they have been given an answer, or when people force me to repeat questions because they don't provide me with an answer
6. If you could travel anywhere is the world, where would you go?
Toronto, to see my big sister.
7. Bourbon or custard cream?
I honestly can not say i have had either of those
8. If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Cereal. No questions asked
9. Do you have a nickname?
My mister calls me bro ?
10. Do you sing in the shower?
Yes, not often, but when it does happen i think i am the best singer in the world
11. A beauty product you could not live without?
Honestly, lipstick, I feel dead without something on these peckers

My Questions for my nominee's are...

  1. Why did you choose to start a blog ?
  2. What are your goals for your blog in the future?
  3. What is your favourite pass time ?
  4. What do you want to be when you grow up ?
  5. What is your most prized possession ?
  6. Have you ever been in love ?
  7. Are your parents separated ?
  8. What do you want your viewers to learn from your blog/yourself ?
  9. Favorite animal ?
  10. Your favourite quote ?
  11. One word to describe yourself.

The bloggers i tag for this award are as followed !

Saturday, 10 August 2013

First Party Survival Guide + My First Party

Well hello there ladies ! It is so nice to be talking to you all again ( the little amount you are ) but i love you all the same. Today i will be addressing the topic of first parties... oh man. I remember that before i got invited to my first party i was itching to go to one. At my old High School i had a lame reputation. No really, the nerd girl that doesn't party, the one that only goes to dance practices and reads. Which was completely true ! That was only because i was never invited to parties, it was a vicious circle. Let's leave the story telling for after the advice

I see you've been invited to a party

What you are imagining in your head is nothing what it is actually like. Let me repeat this, you are not going to be expecting this. Parties ( in my city ) are basically a ton of people hanging around in a house getting drunk. Maybe there is music playing, maybe there is a pool table, and most definitely beer pong is happening. Parties aren't huge orchestrated events, that is what makes them so great. Parties are based completely around the people, new people, old people, people you don't like, your best friends. A party is people, and a party would be nothing without the people. Though to completely enjoy this party there are a few obstacles you have to overcome.

  1. Wardrobe - My first mistake, girls sometimes get so dressed up to go out and party, honestly, wear something comfortable but cute. Not one single person will care that you are wearing lulu's and not your favourite dress. You're going to be there for a while, you might feel out of your element and whats worse that feeling out of your element ? Feeling out of your element when the zipper of your dress is jabbing your side. Trust me, i've learnt the hard way
  2. The Booze - Ladies please don't expect to go to a party and have your drinks provided for you, though it is possible it's not the right way to go. Everyone likes to see someone who comes prepared. I know if you are underage it will be tough to find your booze, that's okay. Girl you are resourceful, figure it out ! You can find it yourself. Part Two. Monitor your drunkness level. When i went to my first party honestly i went way to hard ( and puked everywhere ) i was an honest to god hot mess. It wasn't good, though it is a good laugh looking back. Try to avoid getting sick at all costs, take it easy, enjoy yourself and remember your night.
  3. The People - When i first started going to parties i was never comfortable getting drunk around people i didn't trust. I still don't like the idea of putting yourself in a state where you don't have complete control over your actions so make sure if and when you do decide to drink at a party that some close friends are there. Close friends that you can trust with taking care of you if things go wrong. 
We have now merged into a story....

It was nearing the end of the night at my first party, i felt sick and it happened. I honestly was in the bathroom for a majority of the night. Puking in the bathroom, puking on the lawn outside when i thought that i was well enough to get fresh air ( totally wasn't ) and in an empty cooler in the kitchen. My friends looked after me the entire night. Being the hot mess that i was i was super thankful that they stayed by my side throughout that because honestly it was super narsty. Super super narsty. Once my tummy had cooled down i went and found a room and cuddled into my bed ready to go to sleep. Then the craziness began. At the party my friends older sister and her friends were there. They were pretty gangster people i can tell you that much. They started shit with people outside the house and honestly all i can remember is my friends brother running out of the room with a machete, blood curling screams and people screaming bear spray. I do not want to freak you out with this, out of all the parties i have been to ( which is a good amount now wohoo ! ) nothing even close to this has happened. It was a complete fluke. The moral of the story being when my friend noticed what was going on in the house he ran over to me, god my drunk ass out of my sleeping bag and took me outside. We walked all the way to his house and crashed there because he knew i was not comfortable in that situation and he took care of me.

Honestly that is a horror story of a party, and following this advice will help you deal with all the craziness at a party because despite the shenanigans it is so much fun. Parties are something that will never get old, and something that I would never miss for the world ( unless there is an exam in the morning) 

My friend Caitlyn also has some tips towards your first party, let us venture into her advice, because having two people talking is a lot better than just listening to boring old me talk the whole time. 

My first serious party. It was probably one of the scariest but most exciting moments of my short life. I was nervous because not only had I not had much experience in the drinking area,  I also wasn't sure of how all the people there would react to me being there and a whack load of other worries.

 One of those worries  was "what do I wear!?" and as mentioned above, casual but cute and flirty is the best way to go. Sure some girls can really rock a nice dress or mini skirt and crop top but seriously does it look like they are comfortable? Ever? The answer is not bloody likely. Also people are going to be spilling all over you and everything in the house. Hell  I even end up spilling on myself!  So if you are throwing or attending your first party, you HAVE to be prepared to clean up or help clean up a mess. If you can't help clean up a mess try not to make one because NO ONE likes a hot mess.

 Another worry that I had going to my first party was "what if I throw up?". Now I made it about a good 3 years without throwing up and believe me it is not pretty when you actually do throw up. I would suggest starting off nice and slow, learn your limits and DO NOT try and push it. If you are feeling a little nauseous take a break; drink some water, have a piece of bread ( I know its cliche but it really does help) or even just stop. No one is going to blame you for being safe and not throwing up all over them and the house. And trust me it is not a lot of fun to be sitting in the bathroom either throwing up or being the one holding the hair back. And getting sick on a certain type of alcohol can ruin it for you. I can not drink beer anymore since I got sick from playing (and losing) two games of beer pong back to back. Clearly I didn't take my own advice! 

Since we are on the topic of beer pong, lets take a minute to talk about some of the fun things that can happen at parties! 

  • Beer Pong and other drinking games - Personally beer pong is one of my favourite drinking games. The rounds can be long or short and it is never the same game twice. There is lots of laughs and it is a great way to get closer to that crush from school or that cute boy you saw walk in an hour ago. With any drinking game though comes responsibility. You don't want to over do it and end up passed out somewhere so regardless of what game you are playing take breaks and make sure you eat something. Drinking a lot on an empty stomach just leads to disaster! As Makayla mentioned earlier it is narsty! 
  • Shots - you want to be careful with these though! They are small but straight up hard liquor! You can get drunk super fast and that can be dangerous but go ahead and have some! If you are a person who does not like to take shots but wants to join in on the fun try and chase it with something like orange juice or even pop! 
  • Boys - Boys are always fun but for some reason if a girl mixes alcohol, music and a fun night with boys they just seem even more attractive so go for it! BUT BE CAREFUL! Don't do anything that you wouldn't do sober. Take a few minutes to really sit and think about it. Maybe just stick to flirting a little. Challenge him to a game of beer pong, find a quiet place to talk or try and get him to dance with you. Parties are also a great place to try and get closer to that crush that you have. Try and have fun with the night and try and get  a little closer to that guy. Just try and remember that alcohol is liquid encouragement not a free pass
Obviously there is so much that can happen at a party but the most important thing to remember is to keep yourself safe in every situation. Try not to get to drunk, stay away from that one boy that hits on everyone and if you aren't staying at the hosts part please arrange for a ride home. I  know I must sound like a broken record but it is so important to have a safe place to stay or a safe ride home. Being drunk makes every thing seem like the best idea ever and on top of it makes you feel invincible and that just isn't true. Being drunk can make things way more fun and enjoyable so don't be too afraid to go to your first party! Go, be confident and remember how to keep yourself safe and you will have a blast! I hope Makayla's advice helps make your first party a great one! 

Thursday, 8 August 2013

My Ombre Haircare Routine

Around October of this year i decided to take a leap of faith with my hairdresser and go Ombre. Recently this trend has been spreading a lot more than it has been in the past and it makes me think that everyone else who was a newbie to this hairstyle also had not even one clue on how to take care of it. My routine i must say was definitely built off of trial and error, though it worked out in the end quite well !

Miss in the middle rocking the Ombre

I honestly loved my ombre so much, for a couple weeks i walked around acting like i was top shit because i thought my hair looked the best out of everyones. As time went on i still loved it but wasn't so crazy over it anymore, it faded out of the main topic of conversation yet it was still a love of mine. Nearing the end of the last school year my mister started pointing out how many girls " had copied my hair style". He was aware that i wasn't original with this style, but he liked to think so. Oh my mister.

When i first bleached my hair i was very sad, i noticed an immediate decrease in the quality and health of my ends, and realized it needed a lot more work than normal to keep it healthy. These were a few of the things i did to keep my hair looking and feeling healthy

  1. Blonde Shampoo and Conditioner - Any brand will work, i used the type once or twice a week to focus on the blonde parts of the hair, though my whole head wasn't blonde i noticed immediate improvement in the areas that were
  2. Hair Masks - I swear by these, if you want to keep your hair as healthy as it can possibly get use masks. I personally purchased mine from lush, this is the one i used, and found it worked amazingly. I wasn't feeling so bad styling my hair because i knew i was going to give it a nice treat later in the week. This mask was also once tried on mister, ( which he would never admit happened) but he said that he noticed a difference in his hair, and this is coming from a guy the stuff has to be good !
  3. Air Drying- If you are as picky with your hair as i am this is a difficult point, whenever i could i would avoid using any heat at all on my hair, no blowdryer, no flat iron, no curling iron nothing. I hated the thought that every time i styled my hair i was just damaging it more. So hold back on the styling, your hair is beautiful in it's natural state.

Overall i think i took very good care of my hair, when i went into the hair dresser's today to get rid of it ( sad i know ) she told me my hair was in amazing condition. So even the professionals think this works well ! All in all, you don't have to do hours upon hours of work. Just put in one extra conditioning in the week, and your good to go.

Stay Majestic*

Friday, 2 August 2013

The A-Z of me TAG

So as my little family is growing i'd love for you all to get to know me better. I know personally when i am reading blogs looking for advice and answers to my questions i also would like to know who i am getting the advice from ! If you have any other questions about myself you would like me to answer feel free to email me at makaylahigham@gmail.com or comment down below ! Here we go my loves

Age: 17
Bed Size: Queeen
Chore you hate: Laundry, i despise laundry
Dog: Newfoundlander, a giant teddy bear
Essential start to the day: A nice big bowl of cereal
Favorite color: Light Purple
Gold or Silver: Silver
Height: I would like to say 5'2. but honestly 5'1
Instrument: My feet ?
Job Title: Student
Kids: Eventually
Live: Alberta,Canada
Mom's name: Jackie
Nickname: My mister calls me bro sometimes
Oldest Friend: Twins who live next door, my brothers
Pet Peeve: Leaving time on the microwave
Quote from a movie: "love is like the wind, you can't see it but you can feel it"
Righty or Lefty: Righty !
Siblings: I have three half sisters, none of which are full sisters to eachother. woah
Time you wake up: Summer time, 8am
Unrequited love: My three goldfish
Vegetables you dislike: Honestly... i don't know
What makes you late: Sleeping in
X-rays: Teeth and knee
Yummy food you make: Whatever the Mister requests
Zoo animal: Giraffe

I tag you ! go go go

<a href="http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/10107985/?claim=x3bwxbguhc5">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Losing your Virginity - My Advice

I know what your like right now, woah Makayla why are you attacking such a scary topic..

Let me tell you why

I wish i had someone there for me to tell me this when i was considering losing mine, and i lost it to early. At the time i thought it was the only way to take the next step in our relationship. When i was 13 i met a boy, and we ended up being together for over a year and a half. Nearing the end of our relationship he told me that the only way i could make him happy was if i would give it to him, and i did.

I lost mine way to early, to this day i am still very unhappy with what happened, and very sad that i let it happen. Now i have to live with my choice. So please please take the time to think about yours

Losing your virginity is a big thing, it's opening a door to a world of excitement and wonder and connection beyond what you thought was ever possible. With the right person. Honestly, there is nothing wrong with waiting. I encourage it because it may seem right at the time, but when you look back and it and you remember that little doubt in the back of your mind telling you that maybe it wasn't a good idea you would be wanting to listen to it. I have a few ground rules that i tend to work by, when talking to my younger friends about this topic

1. Respect
       - Whomever you are thinking of giving it to make sure they show you a huge amount of respect, because at the end of the day you are putting your body in their hands. You need to make sure that they respect you as a person before you let them experience you further, with no respect, no sex. end of story.

2. Love
  - Yes yes i know it's a big word but it's true. You will know it when you feel it, there will be no doubts in your mind. You would do anything for the other person, anything even if you had to sacrifice yourself to make them more happy you would. You need to make sure you love them, and they love you back in the same degree that you love them. No love, no sex. That's the way it works

3. Trust
    - This rule goes hand in hand with love. Without trust there should be no question. You are trusting this person with your body, and your emotions. Because those articles that you read that tell you you bond with a person you have sex with are true, and they are hard to break. So you need to trust the person you are giving it to, trust that they won't leave you once they get it, trust that they will respect your privacy and trust that they will take care of you. No trust, no sex.

4. Responsibility
    - After you have determined that you have all of the above then comes the discussing. You two need to discuss what you will do if pregnancy occurs, the methods of birth control you will be using and the safety of the sex. No discussing, no plan, no sex.

I run by my Three methods of protection. Birth control for the female, birth control for the male, and birth control for the mind.

Birth control for the mind what ?

If you are 100% set on keeping it safe you will, you won't say oh you can go in without a condom this one time it won't hurt. Nor can you say, oh ill just take my pill later. This is your responsibility.

Even if you meet all of the rules above and still have a doubt in your mind DON'T DO IT, trust me you will regret it. If he doesn't understand then he didn't deserve you in the first place. You need to make the choice that is right for you, not that is right for him. You are the only person you have to live with for the rest of your life. So you need to make sure you are happy with yourself. When the right time, and the right guy come along you will know and you will be able to make that decision with no doubts in your mind. Trust me. I fully heartedly believe that the more information and the more people talk about it the more responsible us teenagers will be with our body. If we know what we are dealing with through the teachings of others and our parents it is less likely to make a mistake than those who have not been exposed to enough information.

If you want to talk privately to me about this topic feel free to email me at makaylahigham@gmail.com i will be happy to answer any of your questions or discuss it on a more personal level ! 

Disclaimer: I do not claim to be an expert nor a doctor, i know this is a very avoided topic of conversation but someone needs to talk about it or else no one will.

Stay Majestic *

This week in Instagram !

The SPCA with my main gal

Miss Majestic in the middle, being gangster with my ladies

The fair with my Mister

Down with Webster concert ! Shoulder seats