Once again in the spirit of this up and coming September i am going to add another entry to my Back to School Series ! A really important thing in the school year is to have a properly stocked backpack, not to little so when your searching for something you don't have it and not to much so you are sore every day coming home from school because your bag is so heavy. You need just the right amount. In my bag i find that the only good way for myself to stay organized is to have bags for everything. Yes, i mean have things in bags, inside of your bag. That way when you are looking for something, say some deodorant, you know that is in your green bag ! So you don't have to search through all the clutter at the bottom of your backpack which is always a huge problem for me. My middle name should be clutter it's that bad. These organization tips are coming from a previous super unorganized gal. It was bad, but then i discovered ways to make things work !
Starting off with the little things.
One of the most important things in my backpack is my pencil case ! I have an assortment of pens of different colours, my favourite mechanical pencils, post it notes, stapler, erasers, and some paper clips ! Honestly throughout your years at school you'll have figured out what you need in your pencil case. I've heard many people don't use cases and have pencils just hanging out in a pouch in their backpack but i find mine get lost. Ill start off the year with a good three pencils, and by the end of the year i'm using a pencil i happened to find off of the floor that morning. It's bad
Since i am doing the School Backpack essentials i knew i had to include some school related things. One thing i have on me everywhere i go is my little blue notepad. I have notes in there relating to my workout, to my blog, and just random ideas i have throughout the day. You would be surprised how fast a little notebook would fill up if you had one but they come in so handy. The other item in this picture is a folder. I always have an empty folder in my backpack for those just incase moments. Say your teacher gives you a super important paper but you forgot your binder and you have to keep it safe, hello handy dandy folder ! They are also awesome when you are handing in assignments. Keeps things super safe.
Other than these the basic school books i keep in my bag are the ordinary. Though a planner is also something i want to stress. But that will be explained further in my Organization post ! Which will be up super soon i promise.
Next i have my wallets. I am very picky towards how i sort my cards and money. I hate carrying around a huge bulky wallet everywhere i go so i spread it out between two. The black sparkly wallet holds my essentials, that is the one i take everywhere i go. The cheetah print wallet holds all my clothing cards. The silly memberships they make you sign up for to get a discount. I usually only take it shopping with me but i like to keep it in my school bag just incase. I usually never go home directly after school. These are part of my backpack essentials because you never know when you will need your ID, or your debit card. You left your lunch on the bus, you are parched and the fountains aren't working. It's more so for security purpose than anything. The pug case is an eyeglass case ! Yet i use it for my keys. I hate the sound of keys rattling around in my bag, and worst of all i hate it when they are all the way at the bottom. So this way when i put them in this sunglass holder they are always in the same place and easily accessible. Keeping your keys in your backpack is also a good thing, because if you are just carrying them around there is a greater chance they will get lost.
Next is my toiletries. I like to keep this section small, and only using mini versions of products. One of the most useful things in this little kit is the dry shampoo, I am very picky about my hair, and i always find that my level of happiness with how i look is always depending on my hair. So if ever in the day i feel like my hair is feeling greasy i spritz some of this on and i feel a ton better. I found a three set of Mini's of this dry shampoo at Winners for ten bucks. In case any of you were wondering. Another important part of this is also deodorant. For those days when you get to school and realize you have forgotten to put some on, or if you feel unbelievable hot and want to ensure that extra level of protections. The hand sanitizer is self explanatory. Schools are filled with bugs, it's gross. Then chapstick ! For this Canadian weather is so dry and cold it's a necessary product to have on you.
Lastly we have my random section. Headphones come in super handy in school, sometimes all i wanna do is drown the world out and it would suck if i didn't have a pair of headphones on me so i make sure there is always an extra pair in my bag. Then the assortment of chargers for the devices you bring. For me that is my phone and computer charger, Being in university now i have been told multiple times that i will need to have my computer on me at all times. So i make sure i always have the charger. Lastly is a form of snack. For myself as a fitness freak i carry around the protein shake shown in the picture. Any protein filled product will work perfectly. They will fill you up and give you that extra boost you need to finish the day of right, and grow some muscle if you are post workout.
Overall that's all the essential products you would need for your bag at school. It's not a lot, but it gets the job done :) Hopefully you enjoyed my post, if you have an essential item in your bag that you can't live without leave me a comment down below telling me what that is ! Who knows you probably have a great idea
Stay Majestic*
I love this post! Its so true that organization is the key of um organization! I hate having to have a search party in my bag just for my dove deodrant after P.E or my keys when im bursting to go to the loo! My essential would probs be pencil case! Like tassel shorts? Then come on down to my blog http://anotherkindafashionblog.blogspot.co.uk