Thursday, 26 September 2013

Guys vs. Girls - How grumpy does not = Period

Hello my Lovelies !

        To start off I must apologize on my slacking recently, it seems like that is what I say in every recent post, but it is true ! University is a learning curve, I am still trying to make sure I get a good schedule going, and blogging has become part of that.
       Now let's get to business. Have you ever noticed that whenever you are seemingly moody, or grumpy for any reason guys simply assume you are on your period? It drive me bonkers,  boys get moody sometimes to, and we can't assume they are just PMS'ing.. so why do they do that to us ?
  Red Rectangle Danger Sign
 I know as a female I tend to get grumpy sometimes, say someone pisses me off, I will come off a little moody. If i'm stressed, or rather simply just tired I can be moody. There is a distinction though between normal grumpy/angry/pissed moody and period hormones. Let me define these for you:
  • If I ever snap for no reason, to something that a normal person wouldn't be angry or bothered by I probably am on my period. For instance my brother was waiting at the door for me because we were going to go for a walk, and when he saw me he started snickering. So automatically I assumed it was about me and I got really snappy with him !
  • If I ever walk around moaning or saying I look fat/bad I MIGHT be on my period. I do have days when I am off it when I feel like shit and tell you, but I usually don't go on about it for as long as I would when my hormones are off the chart
  • If I cry for some random reason, probably am on my period, or something is seriously wrong.
    Even though I have made these points it doesn't mean it always reign's true. There is no set definition towards when a girl is on their period or not, it is different for each and everyone of us. So if I could give the male species some advice towards whether or not to tell, here it is:

When you notice we are abnormally sensitive, ask if something is bothering us. Such as " Hey i've noticed you've been sensitive today, is there something on your mind ?". Usually this will do the trick, if there is actually something wrong and on their mind she will most likely tell you, letting you get to the route of the problem. Therefore; if she is on your period she might also just apologize and tell you that she is hormonal.
Again I have to say, this will not work for everyone. Honestly, does it really matter in the end of it ? It's a personal thing girls go through and you as a male don't need to know about it ( unless of course we are using it as an excuse to complain).

Let's get back to the route of my point. Just because girls get pissy on their periods doesn't mean that every single time they seem like they have a stick up their ass they have it. We just get grumpy some days too, like you males. I know for a fact guys go through grumpy days, us girls sometimes refer to it as your "man period" mostly in a joking fashion. So explain to me, why do you automatically assume we are on our period ? 

Let's throw this one back to Michael now !

Happy reading:)

Miss Majestic

Hello Internet!

This is a tricky one for guys. Most of us don’t know much about the menstrual cycle and a great deal of us knows nothing about it at all (or at least nothing accurate). Now I would put myself in the more informed than most category, but I certainly do not claim to be an expert. So my tip for any guys that might be reading this, learn about periods my friends. You’re going to encounter women in your life and this is an aspect of them every guy could understand at least a little better.

Now, that being said, it also hard for us guys to know the difference sometimes. Of course it’s obvious to you girls, you know how you’re feeling that day, but we don’t. Not to mention, not every girl experiences PMS the same way, so there’s a definite degree of personal specificity here and that makes it even more complex for us to judge if we don’t know you very well.

I will admit there are certain guys who use this as their go-to reasoning for any time they don’t understand a girl (which, for said guys, is often). But for many of us, it’s an honest question. So should we ask a little less or maybe refrain from asking at all? Probably. But if we do, give us a bit of a break.

In a more familiar or intimate relationship please, by all means, tell us when you are on your period and what you traditionally experience (physically, emotionally, etc…) because we’ll appreciate it. And to the guys, or should I say boys, who are too immature to listen to this simple fact of life I say: grow up. For those of us who aren't immature, however, most of us will take this into consideration and act accordingly.

Think of it this way girls: say a friend of yours experienced depression occasionally. When they were in a bad mood, you might sometimes ask if that were the cause, as you know it’s a possibility. Often times it might not be, but it’s hard for you to know unless you know quite a bit about that person and what they experience. It’s similar for us guys. We can’t read your minds, so if we’re annoying you frequently, help us out a little. 

Michael Cadence

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

More about Miss - Ballroom Dance

I figured since the segment with Michael has gone underway, and we have mentioned being dance partners in a couple of the posts I thought I would expand further on that subject!

I am a competitive Ballroom and Latin Dancer, no that's not Salsa and stuff ( though it's a common misconception). It includes dances, including but not limited to, ChaCha, Waltz, Jive, Quickstep ect. It's quite a competitive world and I have had quite a journey getting to the point in which I am now, including many tears and many great moments. So I am just going to outline this for you, since I think it is quite interesting, and you may like to hear a little more about me!

I started back in eighth grade, in the beginners level Ballroom. I had recently quit hockey due to pressure from my parents and my Dad decided to start me in something different and new ! So I started to dance. I loved it from the very beginning, I felt like a rockstar, and I thought I was so good.
Baby Miss in the Purple

When I graduated this level and I moved up to the competitive classes that's when my passion really started. I got partnered with a little Asian boy named Alain. I must say he isn't the best dancer there was around, and I wasn't happy about it. But in my younger inexperienced days I was super thrilled because I thought he was great ! We then went in competitions for our first time and lost every single one. It was a kick in the shins for me since in fact I thought I was an amazing dancer !

Then as the year went on we got to the second semester of my first competitive year and I was partnered with this boy named Pavel, he was 10, I was 14. I was not a happy camper ! He was a great dancer though, his mother was the reigning Canadian champion at that time and she requested that I dance with him because she saw potential in me ! We got moved up levels, and won as well. I felt like I was babysitting him though every single time we danced together.
Pavel and I in the front row

The next September I started to then dance with Garrett. One of my favourite partners to this day. I must admit I did have a crush on him. We had a love hate relationship. We held hands during practice, we even had our own handshake yet.. we tended to argue. We danced together for a year and everyone saw so much potential in us. They told us we would get married ! That we would go far together in the dance world, then he decided to quit on me. To start boxing , what a switch !
We won quite a lot

The September after he quit I was the partnered with Evan ! I shared him with another girl named Emily. Let's just say her and I didn't get along so well, we both didn't like the idea of sharing our men ;)  Our coaches proposed that Evan and I move up a level and out of the Kid's Club which we have been in for years at that point. That we move up to private lessons and a higher level in competitions. Of course we were super excited at this point, but that didn't include Emily. When Evan split with her to dance with me I must say that is when my first enemy in the studio was created.

To explain this further boys are a hot commodity in a Ballroom dancing studio. Most girls spend years waiting for a partner when they lose one. I never have had that problem personally, I don't want to sound conceded but I was always the girl that someone was interested in partnering with ! Possibly because I was getting good at the Dance at that point. During this time period I had a crush on a guy in the same club as me. His name was Michael! I wanted to Dance with him so bad, but it wasn't really in the options because he had a partner that would work for him in the long run. So I sent my not so subtle hints that I was interested in him, yet he never seemed to bite so I moved along.

That Spring Evan and I decided after an amazing season of winning competitions, and a winning friendship that we were going to part ways. On my end it was mostly due to the fact he was holding me back, because my skill set improved much faster than his was, and that he seemed to not take dance as seriously as I did. He decided he wanted to move on and do something less stressful than competitive Ballroom dancing. So it was an easy split and I was happy with it.

When Evan and I were in the process of splitting Michael and I were talking and we both agreed that we wanted to dance together. He was currently with a partner whom he wasn't connecting with as I was ending my partnership with Evan ! This was the plan until I hit a roadblock. My teacher brought to my attention another boy whom needed a partner who she thought would be better suited for me. Due to the fact that I wanted to go far in this art form I decided to partner with him. Under the advisement of my coach. Then as if fate struck he quit on me, and into Michael's arms I fell ( in dance terms not relationship terms). Michael was the best partner I had, we worked together super well, we danced together like no tomorrow and we swept up at competitions.

Then I hit another road block. My coach then contacted me saying another boy was available to dance with. He was like the fantasy boy, when I dreamed at night about Dance I would always find myself dancing with him mostly due to the amazing skill he had. With the switch of partners to him I would be gaining a level, and giving myself a huge opportunity. So I had to take it, and goodbye to Michael I said.

To this day I regret that choice that I made, it set myself back, left Michael without a partner, and me swimming in a pool filled with PiraƱa's. Let's cut this part short, it didn't work out with him. And now I am happily back with Michael, and am here to stay !

That ended up being longer than I thought I would write, but I find it super interesting and I hope you do as well. Michael and I are preparing right now for two BIG competitions that I am super pumped for :) So when we go to those I will blog our days and our results if you guys are interested in it :)

I'm also hoping Michael will write his own version of this story, that will come out soon !

Stay Majestic*

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Guys vs Girls - Making the First Move

Hello internet!

Miss has asked me to think of some things that, as a guy, I don’t understand about girls. So in this new segment I will attempt to outline, and more than likely fervently rant, about some of the things that guys don’t get about girls, some of the things that simply confuse us, and maybe even some of the things that scare us, turn us off, or even send us running for the hills.

My topic for today is making the first move.

Now this post may be controversial for many, so let me explain myself a little better right off the bat. I am a definite supporter of chivalry. Opening doors, pulling out chairs, lending jackets, all of that cheesy romantic comedy stuff. I’m also a ballroom dancer and I've certainly learned the importance of leading and how to do so. But life is not a romantic comedy and it’s not a dance either, at least, not literally. So here’s where we get to my topic.

Making the first move. It should always be the guy’s responsibility right? My answer to that: why? Now just hear me out. I understand that this is the expectation, and a lot of times I don’t have a problem with it, but I’d like to argue that girls can make the first move too and encourage them to do so!

Let me first respond to what is probably the most common argument to what I've just said. Also let me clarify I don’t necessarily mean asking a person out, just making the initial move. It could be as simple as starting a conversation, or if it’s with someone more familiar like a friend, suggesting something more.
The argument:  If the guy hasn't made a move already, he isn't interested.

My first response to this is that guys are stupid. We really are. Women spend more time thinking about what men are thinking than men actually spend thinking. I approve that message completely. There are lots of reasons the guy might not have made a move yet. He could be rather shy, not sure you’re available, convinced you’re not interested in him, or any other variety of reasons really.

Not everyone is searching for and evaluating people a potential romantic partner every moment of every interaction and conversation and this is especially true for guys. Sometimes we simply don’t notice things because we didn't really think about it!

Now let me emphasize one of those points: they might be convinced you’re not interested in them. This happens a lot more than you might think. Playing hard to get is all well and good (this will be a whole other topic I assure you) but if the guy has no idea you’re interested, why would he make a move? Guys don’t like rejection any more than girls do, so unless we’re overly confident (pronounced douchebag) or have a particularly thick skin, we’re not likely to make a move unless we think we have a reasonable chance of success.

So here’s what I am proposing. Girls can make the first move too! Really, it’s okay! Many of us will be pleasantly surprised! At the very least we’ll be flattered. Now I’m not saying you should walk up to a guy and buy him a drink (although wouldn't that be a hell of a way to get his attention?). But don’t be afraid to start a conversation. Say hi, give us a smile or a wave, sit next to us in class. We’re not too bright sometimes, so give us a little hint that you’re interested. That’s all we need.

Now for you particularly bold ladies, asking us out is perfectly acceptable for most guys too. It might be a bit awkward, we’re not exactly used to it, but I assure you it’s charming in the end. It might even be necessary for those of us who simply don’t seem to get the hint.

I've heard far too many girls complain that they like a guy so much but he doesn't notice them, or won’t ask them out, or something to that effect. I say again, we’re not very smart. If you like him then put a little something into it from your end, that’s all we ask. Compromise with us ladies. You’d be surprised how much you might get back by giving just a little.

That’s my opinion on the topic. Read on to see the reply from Miss.

See you soon,

Michael Cadence

         To start , I can verify that yes, Michael is the soppy romantic type of dude ! Also I can say that he does know his way around leading a lady, considering that I am his dance partner (ooh plot twist). Which makes me wonder why he stands at the position he does. So since you like the " Romantic Comedy type romances" why don't you make it real life ? Sweep a girl off her feet, chase after her to the airport and ask her to marry you type cheesy romantic stuff. MAKE IT REAL LIFE BRO! Every girl is waiting for that guy in her life to make the first move, show that interest, not in a creepy lets go screw way, but in a " I'd really like to get to know you, let's go for coffee". So same goes for the male species. Yes I heard you tell me you are stupid ( which I do not object to) but you have a sense of romance in there. So use it !
         Contrary to what I said previously on all other accounts I agree 10000000% with the point Michael is trying to make. For a few reasons: First, boys are stupid, they don't understand that we want them to say what we think just in a deeper voice ! Okay let's back up. I was totally kidding about that last statement, though it does have a fragment of truth in it. I wholeheartedly believe that the male species are not very perceptive. We give them clues through our body language, or the amount we are sending them messages and using smiley faces, even through the glances we send them and what we are telling them with their eyes. There are so many times that I thought I made it so obvious and they STILL didn't catch on. Honestly I don't understand, I don't think I ever will though Michael makes points explaining this. I still stand on my opinion, it's really not that hard.

          His point also about the fact that men don't look at women like a potential partner every single time they meet one is enlightening. I must say that when I find myself single as a pringle every guy I meet I almost look at like a candidate. I know not everyone does this, but a lot of us do. Yes i'm looking at you over there, I know your secret. It's almost as if I have a list in my head and I'm watching them seeing if they are a worthy topic to invest my interest in. So now ladies we have been told, men don't do this, so what should we take from that ? Make it super obvious ? Or play it cool and see if he catches the hints ? It's a never ending mystery.

      Now getting to the meat of his point. I am a personally supporter on making the first move. The way I got my Mister was through a process of introducing myself for one, saying hello A LOT until he started saying it first, offering to take the bus with him, asking for his number, asking him to eat lunch with me, and then eventually asking him on the first date. I know what you may be thinking "Man this chick is crazy"; but I knew what I wanted and I went for it. Look what happened now ! I'm in the happiest relationship of my life simply because I took things into my own hands. So take Michael's advice, because he is telling the truth. Use your womanly independence, and get what you want sista.

Stay Majestic*

Friday, 13 September 2013

Partner in Crime... and Blogging !

Hello internet!

My name is Michael Cadence. I am a second year university student majoring in marketing, a ballroom dancer, an aspiring writer, and now, at Miss Majestic’s kind invitation, a blogger!

I have always had a passion for writing and reading. Sadly, I have not written much recently, but I plan to fix that here and now as I join Miss in her blogging endeavors! I hope to provide a complimentary, yet different, perspective on things and I’m excited at the prospect of starting new segments and sharing new ideas!

In the past few years I have become increasingly interested in YouTube and the amazing content and creators it hosts. Channels such as sxephilsourcefeddailygrace and the yogscast have all amused me for countless hours, but more importantly they've inspired me to attempt to put some content out there myself.

Of course, that’s a grand idea, but how does one begin? Well, hopefully I can start here. With a little luck, and maybe a bit of talent too, perhaps I can one day reach an audience. I can only hope!

As Miss and I add new segments and content we appreciate your comments and feedback immensely. We want to know what you like, what you don’t, and what you want from us in the future!

See you soon,

Michael Cadence

Back to Miss now,

So to clear things up Michael and I will be doing a post together once a week regarding the males opinion on things. He will write his post and express his feelings, to which after he has written I will write back with my arguments, and possibly explanations! I feel like this could be a very amusing segment and one that I am really looking forward to starting! I still will be posting my usual posts throughout the week, think of Mister Michael as a treat :)

This part is a secret, Michael does't know I'm including this picture ! I'm sure he will find out eventually but here is a little taste of Michael and I as a team.

We have a super awesome friendship, and I'm sure you can tell that we can be loads of fun when we want to be ! So expect some super awesome debates in the future, and also maybe some more funny photo's of us too :P Remember it's a secret, don't tell him i put this up ;)

 I am so pumped to be starting this series with him, I may possibly be calling it " Michael Mondays" but that is still up for debate. By all means if you have a specific topic you would like us to write about, or if you have a question directly to Michael just post in the comments ( if it is of a private nature feel free to email me at and I will reply as soon as I can). Yes you followers, I see you ! I would really appreciate your input towards what you would like to hear because in all reality I write this blog for you :)

Stay Majestic*

Thursday, 12 September 2013

The Liebster Award.. #2

As i have already been nominated previously , and have chosen my ten people to pass the award along to i figured instead of the whole hassle of going through the nominations again ( though they were super fun i don't want to give those people the same award again). I figured i would answer the questions asked my the lovely lady that nominated me !

Find Her Blog Here

Here we go !

1. What is your favorite tv series?
At the current moment my favourite tv series is Dancing With the Stars. Though it makes me angry due to the terrible technique.
2. Who is your favourite female and male actor?
Female is Amanda Seyfriend , male is Josh Hutcherson
3. What country do you desperatly want to visit?
I don't have an itch for anywhere in particular  Anywhere where I can swim with fish I am happy. Maybe china to see a goldfish farm that would be cool.
4. What is something you really want to do, but never did?
Dump the guy that kept playing me. He ended it , many times ! and I wish I just did it once.
5. Why did you start your blog?
I freaking love writing ! I also love helping people, through that I was like. What allows me to do both ? Well blogging, and teaching. So I am doing both :O
6. Who are your top 3 favorite bloggers?
Zoella, May Lem, and Zoella
7. What gives you inspiration?
Seeing people succeed in their dreams, it just gives me the push to fulfil mine.
8. What is your favorite kind of weather?
Fall. The nice nip in the air that lets you wear sweaters but not crazy coats.
9. What is the scariest thing you've ever done?
Climb up really tall stairs that don't have a backing. Man that was scary
10. What kind of future do you see for yourself?
I want to be dancing in my future. So hopefully one filled with an active lifestyle


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decided to try it out ! let's see how it goes

hope everyone is having a nice day today :) If you have any requests for posts i will honour them.

I am going to be starting a "Boy's opinion" series. So be excited for that

Stay Majestic*

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

September Wish-list

In the spirit of fall i have of course been so temped to splurge on fall things. I love fall things, the scarves, the boots, the dark colours. It makes me super happy seeing the leaves because it just means that winter is coming, and i love winter. I know thats a weird season to be your favourite. I put together a list of a few things i have been dying for this fall. Of course things that i can't afford, but some things that if i have some spare cash, that is where it will be going to !
First is this backpack. Recently i have become a huge huge fan of the Herschel Brand of bags. When i was preparing for the start of University i went out and purchased a backpack of this brand ( which was displayed in my backpack essentials post here). Ever since then i have loved the style and design of these bags. They are so simple ! With no crazy amounts of secret compartments and pockets i will never again lose something within my bag. When i saw this design of the bag i fell in love. It's so cute ! And so me. So hopefully one day this baby will be mine. I also own a duffel bag in this brand, but i'll be showing this off when i do my gym essentials post, which will be coming in the future.

Next are these boots. Sadly i am an owner of only one pair of boots. I don't know how i managed to survive for this many years with only one pair but in that i decided that it is about time to branch out of my babies and get new ones. I want to start building my boot collection because where i live they are a very valuable asset to have. In Canada you live in boots for over half of the year, and sometimes we even wear them in summer ( I know crazy canadians). These ones are knee high boots which i adore ! They can add such a change to the style of an outfit, while making it super comfortable and warm. These boots are something i am for sure purchasing, next paycheck ;)


This season i am really into comfort clothing. These pants really do it for me too. They are high waisted which makes the slouchy style much more wearable because you can pair it with a really cute crop top, showing that little bit of skin while still being super comfortable. If these pants weren't the hefty price of $40 i would purchase them in every colour. I managed to find a simular design of pants in the sale rack of forever 21. I styled the pants i found in my back to school fashion post ! Which you can see here

Contrary to what i previously thought of my style, and my hatred for distressed pieces i have found that i have been opening up to the idea of distressed sweaters. When the winter comes it would be a nice pick up to have a sweater that is different from all your others. Once again here in Canada when winter comes it really comes. Dealing with way below freezing weather for half of the year can be a drain on your style. Yet being able to wear a cute yet comfy sweater would be perfect.

Being a new university student i have now quickly learnt the value of pants that are comfortable yet stylist. Simular to the other pants listed above these can be made super cute, or super casual. It's really up to you. And honestly i like the leopard print, yet another thing that i have been getting into that has been super surprising !

Lastly is this vest from LULU lemon. My favourite place ever ! Vests are very useful once the weather starts getting cold, because then i wouldn't have to pull out my winter coat before it was absolutely necessary. I probably will end up purchasing something similar to this, that is a lot less expensive. But this is my wish list ! And if i could get this one, oh i would do it in a heartbeat.

What is your top item you want to get this fall ?

Stay Majestic*

Monday, 9 September 2013

My First Time Tag

Do you still talk to your FIRST love?

Unfortunately i do not ! About a month ago actually i had reached out to him and hoped him the best in his future for we both had graduated the same year. He then asked me if i wanted to go to coffee sometime and catch up ! To which i responded sure. My Mister was 100% percent okay with it, but his girl was totally against it (In my mind she is super weird) who would be threatened by little old me ? 

What was your FIRST alcoholic drink?

My first legit alcoholic drunk was with my mother at the cabin that we spend a little bit of time at each summer. She bought me a four case of Mikes Hard Lemonade  I remember taking like two sips out of it and feeling like i was drunk. Little did i know it was all in my head but i felt like a badass. This was also the week i got my period for the first time. Hell yeah

What was your FIRST job?

My first job i believe was working at a store called "Party Packagers" i was a halloween attendant so i basically was hired for the course of three months to help people find halloween costumes. It was the shittiest job really, the management was terrible, and the staff was as well but i loved it because i was given power.

What was your FIRST car?

I still do not own a car, which is super lame. But my first vehicle is a Scooter ! A honda Giorno. My baby

Who was the FIRST person to text you today?

The first person that texted me today was my best friend Caitlyn. We were talking about Timmies for breakfast and how awesome my boyfriend is ;) LOL
Who is the FIRST person you thought of this morning?

The first person i thought of ? I honestly couldn't say. Probably Mister because i sent him my usual goodmorning text right after i rose. Just so her knew how early i was awake and how much it sucked being up that early. The kid sleeps two hours longer than i do, actually two and a half it's so not fair.
Who was your FIRST grade teacher?

Her name was Mrs.Smemaka. And she was also my second grade teacher !

Where did you go on your FIRST ride on an airplane?

Vancouver to visit my mother ! That trip became a three times a year thing since i turned three. Flying has become a regular thing for me now. Nothing special anymore, which sucks! Because flying is so magical, so i have heard
Who was your FIRST best friend & do you still talk?

My first best friend was a girl named Penny. We no longer talk, mostly because i transferred to a different school after my first year of kindergarten and we lost contact. Though we recently reconnected on Facebook! But even that didn't start up the conversation.

Where was your FIRST sleep over?

I honestly can't remember my first sleepover. I tended to have people staying over at my house more so than the opposite. The friends i had made as a child, due to the area of which i was attending school, weren't the most well off people. My father didn't want to put me in the care of an alcoholic for a night.

Who was the FIRST person you talked to today?

The first person i spoke to today was the guy that sat next to me in my history class. Wait that is not true. I talked to the lady taking my order at tim Hortons ! I had to get my caffeine fix before i went to class

Whose wedding were you in the FIRST time?

As a child i have attended multiple weddings. My first one probably being my parents wedding when i was one i believe ? I don't remember much of it but i see myself in the pictures

What was the FIRST thing you did this morning?

I ran to the bathroom and went pee, as usual. 

What was the FIRST concert you ever went to?

Hilary Duff, i was part of the Hilary Duff fan club as a child and every single song on my MP3 back then was by her. I went to all three of her tours as well :) Good moments in my childhood right there

FIRST broken bone?

Never have i ever broken a bone
FIRST piercing?

Ears, which closed up because we then discovered that my skin is super sensitive. So i am to live with no body modifications other than probably a couple tattoo's here and there

FIRST foreign country you've gone to?

The states. Again i don't remember this trip because my mother took me to disneyland as a child. I think i was about 3 when she took me, a little young to go to a place like that if you ask me ! I think she just wanted to go to California :P Can't blame her though

When was your FIRST detention?

Okay so there was this girl that i absolutely hated in Junior High. I felt like she took my best friend away from me ( which she did ) and her and i just did not get along ! We were in the same gym class and i was put on my ex-best friends team while she was put on the opposite team. She walked up to my ex-best friend and was like " Ugh girl it sucks for you that you are on the same team as Makayla" so i walked up to her and called her a bitch ( also first time i swore in public) after which she literally flew of the handle and went on an angry rampage. When explaining what had happened to the teacher she was flipping shit, swearing, calling me names. And all i was doing was standing there super calm, told her i misunderstood what she was said and apologized for it. She got suspended and i got a 15 minute detention. Karma.

Who was your FIRST roommate?

My two feeder sacrifice goldfish Bonnie and Clyde, they dealt with the nitrogen cycle so the other fish wouldn't have to deal with the crazy spikes of the Nitrogen cycle in the beginning of the tanks life.

If you had one wish, what would it be?

Go and see my sister in Toronto. Three years is to long to be without a loved one

What is something you would learn if you had the chance?

I would learn how do Ballet with proper technique, that was i could do my dream job. Which i can't do without Ballet training. It sucks

What were the first lessons you ever took?

Dance, when i was three.

I tag May to do this tag ! because it was super fun :) This was to make up for my lack of contact with you guys over the last week. For that i am super sorry. Hope this makes up for it ! Also if you have any requests for a post you would like me to do i would be more than happy to fulfil your desires 

Stay Majestic*

The University Lessons

I am currently sitting in my University's cafeteria at seven in the morning writing this post for you all ! Reason being i know i have been slacking with my updates, but it's all in the spirit of my first week ever at university. So i'm going to share with you some of the important things i have learnt through this process, things i wish i would have known previous.

- A computer is more than just a helpful tool, it is essential. Every class i have attended you need a computer to view the syllabus because universities in Alberta have been having major budget cuts and have turned into a paperless school ! So in reality if you want something you have to print it off yourself

- Have a printer. The printers at school are hardly ever not being used when i see them, and you have to pay money to print something. It's similar to a vending machine, you put your money in (as it charges you way to much) and it gives you something back that was not worth the price. So i would make the initial investment and grab a $30 printer from Walmart. It is working for me, and i don't have to wait in the silly lines

-ALWAYS have a backpack. I was silly thinking my locker wouldn't be big enough because i would have to try to fit my backpack in there. I'm laughing at that thought now because you can never go anywhere without your backpack. It's like a portable home, it's your shell and you are a turtle. AND a majority of the time it is so incredibly heavy that you will need to build some incredible back muscle

-Don't be discouraged if people are not overly friendly. I was so excited to come into the school and make friends with as many people as i could. But in the first week all of the freshmen ( like myself) are super wound up and want to focus ONLY on the schoolwork. As i do as well, but i also know it is important to be social as well. So my goal is giving them time to settle in, then try to mingle. As a side note this is mostly related towards the females. Male's have been really easy to start a conversation with! Probably because they are like " woah this person has a vagina lets talk to her" but despite that fact it's nice to have company.

-When people tell you that you will have a lot of assigned homework they are telling the truth. But what they don't tell you is that you will have a lot of unassigned homework that you will be needing to do to actually understand the material. I'll be going through my process in a post coming here soon but it's unbelievable how much work has to be done.

-Use every single second of your time for something useful or productive. If you know you have things that need to be done FINISH THEM because i didn't and now i'm sitting here catching up on work i should have done in the evening. 

-Pack lunches. University is filled with a ton of goodies that you would love to eat and by. Though after the first month you probably won't be able to afford it any longer ! It's harder to buy food if you know you brought your own.

Overall my transition is going pretty smoothly. I feel super out of place here still and I have no clue how to get around even half of the school ! But i think this will be a place i will grow to love. How is your school year going so far ? And share with me some things that you have learnt.

Stay Majestic*

Sunday, 1 September 2013

This September

This September is huge for me, it marks so many changes in my life. So many new challenges that i will need to overcome and it will also present so many new experiences that i will hold in my heart forever. Starting in two days i will have been to University. Far away from most everything i have known to love, my high school and seeing my mister in-between classes, my ladies at dance, and my best friend. I am basically starting from scratch, sure my man is still by my side and my bestie is still sleeping over two nights a week but it's just something i am uncomfortable with. And i am afraid.

This change scares me.

So here is too this September, a world of opportunities, a word of challenge and a world of changes.

You guys will be here with me every step of the way