Thursday, 12 September 2013

The Liebster Award.. #2

As i have already been nominated previously , and have chosen my ten people to pass the award along to i figured instead of the whole hassle of going through the nominations again ( though they were super fun i don't want to give those people the same award again). I figured i would answer the questions asked my the lovely lady that nominated me !

Find Her Blog Here

Here we go !

1. What is your favorite tv series?
At the current moment my favourite tv series is Dancing With the Stars. Though it makes me angry due to the terrible technique.
2. Who is your favourite female and male actor?
Female is Amanda Seyfriend , male is Josh Hutcherson
3. What country do you desperatly want to visit?
I don't have an itch for anywhere in particular  Anywhere where I can swim with fish I am happy. Maybe china to see a goldfish farm that would be cool.
4. What is something you really want to do, but never did?
Dump the guy that kept playing me. He ended it , many times ! and I wish I just did it once.
5. Why did you start your blog?
I freaking love writing ! I also love helping people, through that I was like. What allows me to do both ? Well blogging, and teaching. So I am doing both :O
6. Who are your top 3 favorite bloggers?
Zoella, May Lem, and Zoella
7. What gives you inspiration?
Seeing people succeed in their dreams, it just gives me the push to fulfil mine.
8. What is your favorite kind of weather?
Fall. The nice nip in the air that lets you wear sweaters but not crazy coats.
9. What is the scariest thing you've ever done?
Climb up really tall stairs that don't have a backing. Man that was scary
10. What kind of future do you see for yourself?
I want to be dancing in my future. So hopefully one filled with an active lifestyle

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