To start off I must apologize on my slacking recently, it seems like that is what I say in every recent post, but it is true ! University is a learning curve, I am still trying to make sure I get a good schedule going, and blogging has become part of that.
Now let's get to business. Have you ever noticed that whenever you are seemingly moody, or grumpy for any reason guys simply assume you are on your period? It drive me bonkers, boys get moody sometimes to, and we can't assume they are just PMS'ing.. so why do they do that to us ?
I know as a female I tend to get grumpy sometimes, say someone pisses me off, I will come off a little moody. If i'm stressed, or rather simply just tired I can be moody. There is a distinction though between normal grumpy/angry/pissed moody and period hormones. Let me define these for you:
Now let's get to business. Have you ever noticed that whenever you are seemingly moody, or grumpy for any reason guys simply assume you are on your period? It drive me bonkers, boys get moody sometimes to, and we can't assume they are just PMS'ing.. so why do they do that to us ?

- If I ever snap for no reason, to something that a normal person wouldn't be angry or bothered by I probably am on my period. For instance my brother was waiting at the door for me because we were going to go for a walk, and when he saw me he started snickering. So automatically I assumed it was about me and I got really snappy with him !
- If I ever walk around moaning or saying I look fat/bad I MIGHT be on my period. I do have days when I am off it when I feel like shit and tell you, but I usually don't go on about it for as long as I would when my hormones are off the chart
- If I cry for some random reason, probably am on my period, or something is seriously wrong.
Even though I have made these points it doesn't mean it always reign's true. There is no set definition towards when a girl is on their period or not, it is different for each and everyone of us. So if I could give the male species some advice towards whether or not to tell, here it is:
When you notice we are abnormally sensitive, ask if something is bothering us. Such as " Hey i've noticed you've been sensitive today, is there something on your mind ?". Usually this will do the trick, if there is actually something wrong and on their mind she will most likely tell you, letting you get to the route of the problem. Therefore; if she is on your period she might also just apologize and tell you that she is hormonal.
When you notice we are abnormally sensitive, ask if something is bothering us. Such as " Hey i've noticed you've been sensitive today, is there something on your mind ?". Usually this will do the trick, if there is actually something wrong and on their mind she will most likely tell you, letting you get to the route of the problem. Therefore; if she is on your period she might also just apologize and tell you that she is hormonal.
Again I have to say, this will not work for everyone. Honestly, does it really matter in the end of it ? It's a personal thing girls go through and you as a male don't need to know about it ( unless of course we are using it as an excuse to complain).
Let's get back to the route of my point. Just because girls get pissy on their periods doesn't mean that every single time they seem like they have a stick up their ass they have it. We just get grumpy some days too, like you males. I know for a fact guys go through grumpy days, us girls sometimes refer to it as your "man period" mostly in a joking fashion. So explain to me, why do you automatically assume we are on our period ?
Let's throw this one back to Michael now !
Happy reading:)
Miss Majestic
Hello Internet!
This is a tricky one for guys. Most of us don’t know much
about the menstrual cycle and a great deal of us knows nothing about it at all
(or at least nothing accurate). Now I would put myself in the more informed
than most category, but I certainly do not claim to be an expert. So my tip for
any guys that might be reading this, learn about periods my friends. You’re
going to encounter women in your life and this is an aspect of them every guy
could understand at least a little better.
Now, that being said, it also hard for us guys to know the
difference sometimes. Of course it’s obvious to you girls, you know how you’re
feeling that day, but we don’t. Not to mention, not every girl experiences PMS
the same way, so there’s a definite degree of personal specificity here and
that makes it even more complex for us to judge if we don’t know you very well.
I will admit there are certain guys who use this as their
go-to reasoning for any time they don’t understand a girl (which, for said
guys, is often). But for many of us, it’s an honest question. So should we ask
a little less or maybe refrain from asking at all? Probably. But if we do, give
us a bit of a break.
In a more familiar or intimate relationship please, by all
means, tell us when you are on your period and what you traditionally
experience (physically, emotionally, etc…) because we’ll appreciate it. And to
the guys, or should I say boys, who are too immature to listen to this simple
fact of life I say: grow up. For those of us who aren't immature, however, most
of us will take this into consideration and act accordingly.
Think of it this way girls: say a friend of yours
experienced depression occasionally. When they were in a bad mood, you might
sometimes ask if that were the cause, as you know it’s a possibility. Often
times it might not be, but it’s hard for you to know unless you know quite a
bit about that person and what they experience. It’s similar for us guys. We
can’t read your minds, so if we’re annoying you frequently, help us out a
Michael Cadence
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