Monday, 9 September 2013

The University Lessons

I am currently sitting in my University's cafeteria at seven in the morning writing this post for you all ! Reason being i know i have been slacking with my updates, but it's all in the spirit of my first week ever at university. So i'm going to share with you some of the important things i have learnt through this process, things i wish i would have known previous.

- A computer is more than just a helpful tool, it is essential. Every class i have attended you need a computer to view the syllabus because universities in Alberta have been having major budget cuts and have turned into a paperless school ! So in reality if you want something you have to print it off yourself

- Have a printer. The printers at school are hardly ever not being used when i see them, and you have to pay money to print something. It's similar to a vending machine, you put your money in (as it charges you way to much) and it gives you something back that was not worth the price. So i would make the initial investment and grab a $30 printer from Walmart. It is working for me, and i don't have to wait in the silly lines

-ALWAYS have a backpack. I was silly thinking my locker wouldn't be big enough because i would have to try to fit my backpack in there. I'm laughing at that thought now because you can never go anywhere without your backpack. It's like a portable home, it's your shell and you are a turtle. AND a majority of the time it is so incredibly heavy that you will need to build some incredible back muscle

-Don't be discouraged if people are not overly friendly. I was so excited to come into the school and make friends with as many people as i could. But in the first week all of the freshmen ( like myself) are super wound up and want to focus ONLY on the schoolwork. As i do as well, but i also know it is important to be social as well. So my goal is giving them time to settle in, then try to mingle. As a side note this is mostly related towards the females. Male's have been really easy to start a conversation with! Probably because they are like " woah this person has a vagina lets talk to her" but despite that fact it's nice to have company.

-When people tell you that you will have a lot of assigned homework they are telling the truth. But what they don't tell you is that you will have a lot of unassigned homework that you will be needing to do to actually understand the material. I'll be going through my process in a post coming here soon but it's unbelievable how much work has to be done.

-Use every single second of your time for something useful or productive. If you know you have things that need to be done FINISH THEM because i didn't and now i'm sitting here catching up on work i should have done in the evening. 

-Pack lunches. University is filled with a ton of goodies that you would love to eat and by. Though after the first month you probably won't be able to afford it any longer ! It's harder to buy food if you know you brought your own.

Overall my transition is going pretty smoothly. I feel super out of place here still and I have no clue how to get around even half of the school ! But i think this will be a place i will grow to love. How is your school year going so far ? And share with me some things that you have learnt.

Stay Majestic*

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